How is the Tree of Life the Love of God?

John W. Welch

Does the Book of Mormon answer the question, "What is the Tree of Life that Lehi saw?" What is this tree that the people are all pressing toward? In 1 Nephi 11:22, Nephi learns that it is a representation of the love of God. Not just the love of God in an abstract way, but the love of God who condescended and came down into this world that He might die for us. That love—that is what the Tree of Life represents.

Book of Mormon Central, "Why Didn’t Nephi Mention Mary’s Name? (1 Nephi 11:22)," KnoWhy 542 (December 24, 2019).

"What better way to emphasize God’s love than by drawing attention to Christ’s mother, who by the very meaning of her name was love personified and who brought forth the most desirable gift of God? It appears that by using the root meanings of Mary’s name, instead of the name itself, Nephi subtly drew attention to her divinely appointed role to bring forth and raise the Christ Child."

John W. Welch Notes
