Israel Will Be Remembered in All Lands

John W. Welch

To prepare the way for that to happen, the Jews and Israel who will be scattered among the nations will be remembered and gathered from "the isles of the sea" (see 2 Nephi 8:6). Jacob and his people would have been relieved to hear this promise. They would have been comforted not only in their being remembered, but also in the knowledge that there would be others like them scattered about amidst the nations of the world. When we hear the word gentiles, we often think of people who are not members of the Church. But the word gentiles in ancient times literally meant the nations or birth lines. We get our word genealogy from that root word. The Lord was saying that He will work through all kindreds and nations, their kings and queens (10:9, see 2 Nephi 6:6), to restore his people.

In this prophetic connection, Jacob also spoke concerning the future of his people’s posterity in their land of promise, which will be a "protected" and "consecrated" land of liberty, where no kings "shall raise up unto the Gentiles" (10:11, 19). Secret works of darkness will be destroyed (10:15), those who fight against Zion must needs perish (10:16), the hearts of the Gentiles will be softened, and they will be "like a father to them" (10:18; compare 2 Nephi 6:6). These are wonderful promises of the Lord that surely gave great assurance to Jacob and his people.

John W. Welch Notes
