2 Nephi 13:9-12

Brant Gardner

In verse 9, the Lord compares Jerusalem to Sodom. The comparison is to destruction, not specific sins. Those in Sodom sinned against Jehovah and were destroyed. Those in Jerusalem show in their faces that they too have sinned. Thus, “their countenance doth witness against them.”

Verses 10 and 11 are antithetical parallels. The Lord declares that all will be well for the righteous, but that the wicked will perish. That these ultimate rewards have a view to the future is suggested by verse 12, which shows that both the righteous and the wicked will suffer the embarrassment of Jerusalem. Thus, for all, “children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.” Those two contradictions of expectations are given to highlight the depths to which they have fallen. As with other images, this is a world turned upside down.

Book of Mormon Minute
