2 Nephi 27:7-9

Brant Gardner

Isaiah 29:11 begins: “and the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed.” Nephi takes the idea of a sealed book being delivered, and expands on that part of Isaiah until 2 Nephi 27:15, which will finally return to the ending of Isaiah 29:11, where it begins by saying of the sealed book: “which men shall deliver to one that is learned.” Until that time, Nephi focuses on the one to whom the book is initially delivered.

That man we know was Joseph Smith, and Joseph Smith must have been able to see himself in this prophecy. Nephi’s vision of the tree of life included a vision of the coming forth of other records from the scattering of Israel, recorded in 1 Nephi 13:39–41. That vision was much more generic, suggesting that Nephi received more clarity or another vision that is otherwise unrecorded. The specificity of his elucidation of Isaiah 29 exceeds what he appears to have understood from the vision of the tree of life.

Verse 9 indicates that the future book, which is the Book of Mormon, will be delivered to a man who would deliver the words of the book. By the time Joseph dictated this sentence, he had been translating for months and certainly understood that he was enacting this prophecy. In the history of the translation process, however, it appears that he originally thought that delivering the words of the book might mean finding one who could translate. That effort led to the mission to the learned men of the East, which will be the fulfillment of the second part of Isaiah 29:11.

Book of Mormon Minute
