What is the “tongue of angels”?

Thomas R. Valletta

Wrote Latter-day Saint scholar Robert L. Millet: “Several years ago I walked out of our stake center with two of my sons after viewing the satellite broadcast of a general priesthood meeting. … I overheard an elderly high priest in our stake say to the man with him, ‘Wasn’t that powerful! President Gordon B. Hinckley just spoke with the tongue of angels.’ … [Those born of the Spirit] convey not merely their own will and desires but the mind and will of Christ. Stated more simply, President Gordon B. Hinckley spoke with the tongue of angels. … He spoke what angels would have spoken. He delivered what Christ wanted delivered. It was as though angels had come and delivered the message” (Alive in Christ, 128–33).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
