“He Shall Prolong His Days and the Pleasure of the Lord Shall Prosper in His Hand”

Bryan Richards

Bruce R. McConkie

“If this prophecy was meant to be fulfilled during his mortal sojourn on earth, we would list it as having failed. He did not prolong his days; a voluntary death overtook him in the prime of life. Nor did the pleasure of the Lord find full fruition while he dwelt in a state where death lies in wait for the weary pilgrim. It is only in the resurrection that the pleasure of the Lord is perfected, for it is only when ‘spirit and element’ are ‘inseparably connected’ that either God or man can ’receive a fulness of joy.’ (D&C 93:33.) Thus, having made his soul an offering for sin; having seen his seed-all the righteous dead from the days of Adam to that moment-as they assembled to greet and worship him in the paradise of their Lord; and having thereafter risen in glorious immortality to live and reign forever, our Messiah truly fulfilled the prophetic utterance, for then his days were prolonged forever and the pleasure in his hand was infinite.” (Promised Messiah, p. 362 as taken from Latter-day Commentary on the Book of Mormon compiled by K. Douglas Bassett, p. 221)

