What does “silk” symbolize among the Nephites?

Thomas R. Valletta

“The word ‘silk’ or ‘silks’ occurs six times in the Book of Mormon, always together with ‘fine’ or ‘fine-twined linen.’ Among the Nephites and Jaredites silk was a sign of prosperity (Alma 1:29; Ether 9:17; 10:24), and along with Nephite costly apparel, a symbol of pride and worldliness (Alma 4:6; cf. Jacob 2:13; Alma 5:53; 4 Ne. 1:24). Silk is also listed as one of the lustful desires of the great and abominable church (1 Ne. 13:7, 8)” (Largey, Book of Mormon Reference Companion, 725).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
