
John W. Welch

In Helaman 14, the center of his speech, Samuel turns his attention to prophesying about the signs of the birth of the Savior. He talks about his commission as a Lamanite. He then gives a didactic explanation of the necessity of the resurrection in order for people to be judged justly by God. He follows that teaching with prophecies about the signs of the Messiah’s death that would bring about the resurrection, and he concludes by emphasizing the necessity of repentance, which God has mercifully made possible, in order for all people to avoid condemnation. Throughout his discourse, Samuel maintains his method of returning to certain traditional words or phrases that reverberate through what he is saying. In Helaman 14:10, he draws upon Helaman 9:23–24; in 14:12, he quotes one of the central texts of King Benjamin’s speech; and in 14:16, he makes use of Alma’s words to Corianton in Alma 42:9, 14.

John W. Welch and Greg Welch, "Samuel the Lamanite’s Prophecies," in Charting the Book of Mormon, chart 48.

John W. Welch Notes
