City of Gid (Fullmer geography model)

City invaded by Lamanites and used as a prison camp to detain Nephites

City of Gid (Fullmer geography model)

The City of Gid was a Nephite city of strategic importance due to its location, and it featured prominently in the war chapters of the Book of Mormon. It was among several cities that were captured by the Lamanite leader Amalickiah as he pressed his offensive against the Nephite nation (Alma 51:26). Amalickiah’s conquest of the City of Gid and other cities along the eastern border of the Nephite territory highlighted the vulnerability and significance of these outlying settlements in the geopolitical struggles of the era.

After its capture, the City of Gid was utilized by the Lamanites as a prison for Nephite captives, and they labored to fortify the city’s defenses (Alma 55:25–26). Establishing such a stronghold served the dual purpose of strengthening the Lamanite presence while also undermining Nephite morale and capabilities through the detainment of their soldiers.

The City of Gid’s moment of notable historical significance was the ingenious and bloodless stratagem devised by Captain Moroni, the Nephite military commander. He dispatched a Lamanite descendant named Laman, from his own troops, to deceive the Lamanite guards at Gid with wine. Once inebriated and incapacitated, Moroni’s forces were able to arm the Nephite prisoners and obtain the city’s surrender without the need for pitched battle (Alma 55:7–24).

Later, after the period of conflict had subsided, the brothers Nephi and Lehi, who were the sons of Helaman and descendants of Alma, traveled through the recently reclaimed territory, including the City of Gid, preaching repentance to the people (Helaman 5:14–16). The City of Gid, along with the adjacent regions, was considered a significant breadth of land, reflecting the vast Nephite holdings in the eastern lowlands. The successful ministry of Nephi and Lehi among these previously war-torn cities is indicative of the resilience and faith of the Nephite people and their dedication to reclaiming both their lost territories and the spiritual strength of their nation.

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