City of Laman (Tehuantepec geography model)

City destroyed at the crucifixion

City of Laman (Tehuantepec geography model)

The City of Laman was one of the locations mentioned in the context of divine judgment delivered at the time of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion in the Old World. Specifically, it is cited as one of the wicked cities that were destroyed by fire due to the grave iniquities of its inhabitants. These iniquities included the egregious acts of casting out prophets sent among them and stoning those who were dispatched to admonish the people concerning their wicked behavior and abominable practices. The destruction of the City of Laman, alongside other cities such as Josh, Gad, and Kishkumen, is recounted as part of a broader series of cataclysmic events that included fierce storms, earthquakes, and widespread devastation, which led to considerable alterations in the landscape and significant loss of life. This event symbolizes the severity of divine retribution directly correlated with the collective rejection of prophetic voices and the persecution of the righteous within these communities (3 Nephi 9:10).

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